Monday, August 2, 2010

Japanese royal milk tea

i saw this royal milk tea (rmt) at daiso several times... curious, i googled it & there were a bunch of mat sallehs who visited japan & had this tea & were hooked on it! asking their japanese frens to send dome over... 4 pkts consumed in 2 days & they wanted more! there was kit kat with rmt flavour in japan too... looks like a hit in japan...

so i bought a pack from my fav store ~ i ♥ daiso

this is how a pack looks like

instructions ~ all in jap!

i added 100ml hot water & 20ml milk...

it was ok... nothing much to shout about but it did have a distinct taste of itself, like a quite refreshing not too heavy cup of tea, i'm gonna try it cold next ^_^v

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