Saturday, March 20, 2010

i WON!!!! i won :-)

I've entered so many competitions in my life, but i've never really won them :( anyway, i'm on FB for a good part of my time since my Masters thesis is on FB & also i own a fish tank & cafe in FB :-) Seri Malaysia Melaka had a really brilliant idea of having a contest on FB. so i joined, just for the heck of it... today was really great. i woke up in the morning (yes, morning) & i saw this ^_^ (click on pic to enlarge)

i had won!!!! yippeee!!!

so the maid & the driver brought me to collect my prize ^_^

the winner :-)

i've never been to Seri Malaysia before... this is it.

they have a nice patio concepted lobby...

lots of greens, very country style like..

this is Mr Gafor (EAM) presenting my vouchers :-)

that's Ms Ayu, PR officer

suddenly i felt like i was a VIP :-)

we went for a tour, this is "surfers paradise' hehe

here's the pool...

& this is Jonker Cafe.

but we won't be eating there today. kena wait for the other 2...

my vouchers

ta da!!!

i even got a letter ^_^

they even posted my pic on FB :) (click to enlarge)

Ms Ayu said she's gonna write a press release on me.. ME!!! mwahahahahah!!!! they are 3 star, but it's really a nice place. very breezy & country like. My friend Zima works there too, for 1 year now. I guess the pay is ok too, since she left the "Best 5 star hotel in melaka" & it's #1 rival to work here. Anyways, i'm really happy to have won ^_^ Who would have known that Seri Malaysia Melaka would be a pioneer in coming up with FB contests? not only did i get a prize, i also have something extra to write in my Thesis :-) great strategy & tactics. no wonder Seri Malaysia Melaka is "Best 3 Star Hotel"!!! however, IMHO, i think they can easily beat M****ta Hotel....


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