Wednesday, July 21, 2010

new hair cut :-)

i went to cut my hair again ^^ about time to anyway, fringe was getting in the way... as usual, i told Amy to cut whatever style she wants, since she did after all make my old mummy look cute, lol!

new hair in Jusco ;)

new hair at home, after using it to "frame my face" lol...

anyway, my head seems lighter now & amy said that this is a korean style, just need to add a bit of soft colour to it& i'll be korean, lol! coincidently, i bought a pack of kimchi & gonna make soondooboo jigea tomoro, lol...

anyway, back to my hair, i asked Amy why my fringe always curls in the opposite way from what i want it to, amy said that short hair grows in "swirls" so mine swirled "that way"... solution - rebonding once every 3 months, RM250 each time =_= However, I love Amy so much cos not only did she make my mummy cute, she told me to comb my hair in the opposite way from how i do it now! she showed me & walah! Presto! chango! now the hair is "this way" ^^v why didn't i think of it myself :(

just proves to show that Amy is so not like those other money extracting stylists who just wanna sell u products & take all ur money from u! to date, even though Amy's salon is piled with Loreal products, posters & adverts, never before has Amy tried to sell me any product, instead, she gives me advice on how i can manage my hair with what i already have! she is a great stylist cos she dun need to rely on product sales to make money :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yup, I agree . Amy's good!... and what do you mean by your OLD Mummy?