Anyway, today not working so i can finally update my blog :)
Let's start with my new pets! my bag fish!!! hehehe, RM2 a bag, so bag fish! hehehe... inexpensive & colourful, mati also ok ;-0 heheh
At work, Ah Woei 宝贝 was so kind as to GIVE me a bag of big prawns, FOC! Thanks ya :-) malangnya, i couldn't keep all of them in my tiny betahan aquarium so they too went to live in the pond... except for 3 which are in my fish bowl :-)
Then, I went for an interview again... I think it was on friday.... ya, it was, sales exec job. not my thing anyway so i rejected in the end... funny thing was the interviewer was UTARian as well :)
Then after that interview (i always forget to take a pic of the place) i got a call to go for another interview for a marketing job today. but kena change fishy water first. that was when i discovered a prawn had died or disappeared & 4 fishies also mati liao ;(
however, the marketing job which i was looking forward to is total crap, no epf & it thinks it's a reality show... interviewer was Barney (not our friendly purple dinosaur). Claims it is an ad agency but is a direct selling company... so still jobless for now, but convo is coming & i not only got 1st class honours, but i won a book prize as well!!! heheheh!
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