Thursday, July 23, 2009

the return of Chai Chai Boy

Chai Chai boy aka my number 1 subject is super cute!!! but 1st, need to give an eulogy to a prawn that died...

Prawnie (from Ah Woei) was an adventurous prawn. It seeked to be the 1st prawn to roam free outside the tank. One fine day, it jumped out & was so happy it achieved it's life long dream of starting on it's own adventure. However, his excitement was short lived as soon as it found out that it can't survive outside water. It soon dried out & became 虾米. It shall be remembered for it's stupidity, lack of planning & lack of brains... R.I.P.


Now back to chai chai, he pays me daily visits :-)

I'd like to pay him daily visits too, when his mama isn't around :-)

Chai Chai & me :-)

Chai Chai loves me!!!

Still shy

So Cute!!!!

He's exhausted from all that posing...

Here's one of Chai Chai when it was a baby puppy

Chai Chai is so cute!!!! If i get a dog, i want one just like Chai Chai boy (^_^) I plan to dognap him :-) hehehehe!!!


Unknown said...

Shy, my foot! More like, scared to death! Don't you see the fear in his eyes? Look at how he avoids eye contact with you, how he drops his head and quickly runs and hides whenever he hears your voice, it's like he just heard the Devil call his name!! Now with me, he's all different..he can't wait to run up to me for a pats and hugs, he stands by the gate and waits (im)patiently for me to come, you can see the smile on his face and how his whole face lights up when he sees me, not to mention how he looks adoringly into my eyes and wishes with all his little heart, "If only I can live with this beautiful human."

Shynn said...

Well, you must remember that Chai Chai is a cultured dog, unlike your stupid REX (bluek). Chai Chai knows how to behave in the pressence of royalty! Didn't you read the earlier post on Chai Chai???